
Update the recipient payment information

  • 2 min.

Before you can start handling payment processes your existing payment methods must be updated to a payment method supported by Continia Banking. This applies to payment methods for all customers, vendors and employees that you want to handle in Continia Banking.

Fortunately, you do not have to update this information on an individual basis. Instead, you can use the assisted Set up Recipient Payment Information guide to update and validate the payment information for multiple vendors, customer, employees, and their templates at the same time.

  • To access the assisted setup guide, search for and open the Continia Banking Setup page, select Assisted Setup and then Set up Recipient Payment Information.
    CB Assisted setup Set up Recipient Payment Information

You start by determining which Continia Banking payment method should replace your existing payment methods. The payment methods listed in red, indicate they are not supported by Continia Banking and that you should consider updating them.

In this example, the existing payment methods BANK and KONTANT will been exchanged with BTD and MANUAL.

CB recipient payment info payment method

Before you accept the changes to the payment methods, you'll get an overview of all the accounts that will be affected by the suggested change.

From this view, you can:

  • Exclude specific accounts from being updated by selecting the checkmark in the Exclude Account column for the relevant accounts.

  • Tweak other payment information, such as preferred currency and bank account, and payment reference for a specific account.

CB recipient payment info accounts overview