Basic Concepts in Expense Management

Working with Continia Expense Management is generally quite straightforward, but it does involve a number of essential concepts that are important to understand. These are explained below.

What is a document, and how do I process it?

A document is either an expense report, an expense, a mileage expense or a per diem expense that's imported into or created in Expense Management. The purpose of any document is to justify and deduct expenses.

Once a document has been imported into Expense Management, you can start processing it via the documents lists. A document can then be approved and posted so the user receives the refundable amount.

The process can be outlined as follows:

  1. The user registers the document using the Expense App >
  2. The document is imported into Business Central >
  3. The admin verifies the document and sends it on for approval >
  4. The approver approves the document >
  5. The admin posts the document.

User types

Expense users are users that have documents to be reimbursed. They are created in Business Central using Continia User Setup and are only active after they've been exported from Business Central. Expense users register their documents via the Continia Expense App and/or the Continia Expense Portal.

Approvers are responsible for approving the documents submitted by Expense users and can use the Business Central client or the Continia Approval Portal when approving documents.

Admins post the documents after approval and make sure that accounting is correct for the deductions. They carry out their work in Business Central.

Working with documents

When your documents have been imported into Expense Management, you can start working on them. Using the links below, you can learn more about the various types of documents, including how to submit and post them and how to reimburse each type of expense:

Learn about expensesOverview of Expenses
Learn about mileage expensesOverview of Mileage Expenses
Learn about per diem expensesOverview of Per Diem Expenses

Approving documents

Expense Management uses a streamlined workflow approval. To learn more about approving documents, see approving or rejecting a document.