How can I check whether my email arrived?


How can I check whether the email has arrived at the recipient's?


If you are uncertain whether your email has reached the recipient's side, consider the following steps to diagnose the issue:

  • Check the Document Output Log - look for an entry in the Document Output log indicating that the email was sent out. If the log contains a record of the email, it confirms that it has left Document Output successfully. To view the log, go to the customer card, and in the right panel, in the Mail section, select Log.
  • Verify whether there is an issue with the exchange server - if the log shows that the email was sent, but the recipient claims it did not arrive, it's possible that there might be an issue with the Exchange server or some other factors outside Document Output. The Exchange server may face challenges handling a large volume of emails simultaneously or blocking certain emails, considering them as potential spam. We recommend contacting your email administrator to investigate the status of the emails further and resolve the issue. They can assess the Exchange server's performance, identify potential blocks, and address email delivery problems.