Sending Electronic Documents in New Zealand
As a customer in New Zealand, you can send electronic documents as files attached to emails.
Due to additional regulation by the New Zealand PEPPOL Authority, Continia Document Output doesn't connect you directly to the PEPPOL eDelivery Network. In order to connect to the PEPPOL eDelivery Network, you must be assisted by a third-party integration provider. In the future, Continia plans to connect New Zealand customers directly to the PEPPOL eDelivery Network.
Even though you're not connected directly, you can still send electronic documents as email attachments.
The A-NZ format is being widely adopted by both businesses and public authorities in New Zealand. A-NZ is based on the PEPPOL BIS standard, and electronic documents in this format can be sent through the PEPPOL eDelivery Network. Document Output currently doesn’t support A-NZ but will do so in the near feature.
You can also export and send electronic documents to customers in other countries. Most widespread formats are supported, but not all. For a list of supported formats, see Supported Formats.