Accounts for Amounts
The Accounts for Amounts page (previously known as Posting Setup) allows you to specify which accounts should be used as posting suggestions for the header amount fields that are captured in your incoming documents. The header fields that are listed on the page are displayed automatically by Continia Document Capture, and only header fields that have been categorized as amount fields will appear here – no text fields, date fields, or other types of fields.
If, for example, Amount Excl. VAT appears in the table of amount fields, you could set this field up to be translated (i.e., mapped) to a certain G/L account number – such as 34100 – for the given document template. When an imported document is then assigned to this template and an amount is captured in the Amount Excl. VAT field for this document, the G/L account number you specified – 34100 – will be automatically suggested for any purchase or sales line that's created using the captured amount.
To set up Accounts for Amounts
To specify which accounts should be suggested as posting accounts for amounts captured in your incoming documents, follow these steps:
- Choose the
icon, enter Document Categories, and then choose the related link.
- Select the relevant document category code – for example, PURCHASE – to open the document journal.
- In the list of documents, select the one whose template you want to edit.
- In the action bar, select Template > Accounts for Amounts to open the Accounts for Amounts page.
- In the table, go to the line of the amount field whose account mapping properties you want to edit.
- For the selected line, fill in the table fields as needed. The first table field (in the Field column) represents the document field that contains the captured amount which you want to map to a specific account type, account number, etc., when purchase or sales lines are created for this amount. For the remaining table fields, specify exactly which values you want to map the captured amount to:
- Translate to Type: Select the type of account that you want to map the captured amount to.
- Translate to No.: Select the account number that you want to map the captured amount to.
- VAT Prod. Posting Group: Select the VAT product posting group that you want to map the captured amount to. This allows you to overwrite the default VAT product posting group.
- Translate to VAT Bus. Posting Group: Select the VAT business posting group that you want to map the captured amount to. This allows you to overwrite the default VAT business posting group.
- [Global dimensions 1 and 2]: Select the dimension value(s) that you want to map the captured amount to. This allows you to overwrite the default dimension values of the account type and number.
Only the two preconfigured global dimensions are displayed as columns in the table by default, and you can only add and view values for these two dimensions directly in the table. However, you can easily add other dimensions and values as follows: Select the relevant line, select Related > Line > Dimensions to open the Line Dimensions page, and then select a dimension code and a dimension value code in the table. Although these additional dimensions and values will indeed be added, note that they won't be visible in the Accounts for Amounts table by default. To make them visible in this table, you must customize the table.
- Deferral Code: Select the deferral code that you want to map the captured amount to.
- Repeat steps 5-6 for any additional amount fields whose account mapping properties you want to edit.
To customize the table
As mentioned above, only the two global dimensions are displayed by default as columns in the table of amount fields on the Accounts for Amounts page. However, you can easily customize the table by adding additional dimension columns to it. To do this, personalize the page by following these steps:
- Select the
icon > Personalize.
- In the upper-left corner, select + Field to open the Add Field to Page pane.
- Drag the relevant dimension field(s) from the pane to the table header.
- Select Done to close the Personalizing banner.
The new dimension column(s) will now be added to the table. You may have to refresh the page for them to be visible though.
The dimension fields UOM Code and Variant Code may be particularly relevant for you to add to the table, as it's sometimes necessary to map amount fields to specific item variants (such as colors) or to certain units of measure (such as packs instead of pallets).