Auto-Calculation of Line Values
Feature | General availability on-premises | General availability online | Public preview |
Auto-calculation of line values | Sep 1, 2020 | Oct 1, 2020 | - |
Feature details
More line values are now auto-calculated when documents are OCR-processed: If any of the fields Unit Cost, Quantity, or Line Amount aren't recognized during line recognition, the three fields are now calculated automatically instead. Previously, this was only the case for the Quantity field.
When one of the three fields is calculated, an error, warning, or information comment is displayed in the comments section, depending on your comment setup.
Also, a new integration event has been added: OnBeforeAdjustMissingFields(VAR Document : Record “CDC Document”;VAR Handled : Boolean). If you wish to disable the auto-calculation of the three values mentioned above, you simply create an event subscriber that changes the handled value to TRUE.
The integration event OnBeforeAdjustQty (introduced in 6.0 SP3) is deprecated in this release and is expected to be removed in version 8.00 (due to be released one year after version 6.50).